Head of Data Infrastructure

  • Anywhere

We are looking for someone with joy for automation.  Core to the problem we are solving at DB Forest is to make deployment automation scripts easily transferable between clouds. As you know nowadays we may be using terraform with all clouds but they all have different terraform adapters and you basically have to rewrite everything if you move so little was gained by this industry standard in terms of interoperability thus far.  

If solving problems like this sounds interesting to you this is the right job for you. 

We are a web3 company but blockchain knowledge is not required.  But if you have always wanted to run your own experimental L2  chain then this job is doubly perfect for you. 


DB Forest is a decentralized managed database marketplace.  aka “Akash for cloud databases”  or “Filecoin for Managed Databases” .

A decentralized database market where anyone can rent or sell managed private cloud databases using crypto pay masters.


Job responsibilities include : 

  • Working on a universal openTofu  adapter for 10+ cloud backends 
  • Manage our internal kubernetes 
  • Standardize database metrics, open telemetry or similar 
  • Standardize secret exchange / multi cloud keyvault 
  • Build wireguard mesh networks for multi cloud kubernetes 
  • Multi cloud database load balancers
  • Explore new technologies like glasskube to make sure we are at the peak of DevOps 
  • Some JS  (maybe Plumni) to integrate with our backend and on chain event listener 


-HR Details-

>Global remote but most people are in the EU or US east time zone. 
>Pay in USD from Delaware C Corp 
>Fly out to cool crypto conferences
>We have company retreats near major conferences

We are a flexible early stage startup.  Will consider junior to senior and scale pay accordingly. It is early enough that candidates with a passion for solving multi cloud devops problems can get into C level with significant equity and influence on the product direction.