Software Engineer, Site Reliability – Mercari/HR領域新規事業 (Mercari Hallo)

  • Anywhere

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Circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people

“What can I do to help society thrive with the finite resources we have?” The Mercari marketplace app was born in 2013 out of this thought by our founder Shintaro Yamada as he traveled the world. We believe that by circulating all forms of value, not just physical things and money, we can create opportunities for anyone to realize their dreams and contribute to society and the people around them. Mercari aims to use technology to connect people all over the world and create a world where anyone can unleash their potential.For more information about Mercari Group’s mission, see Mercari’s Culture Doc.

Equal Opportunity Hiring

Here at Mercari, we work to realize a world in which no one’s potential is limited by their background and everyone has the opportunity to freely create value. We also firmly believe that a mindset of Inclusion & Diversity is essential for us to achieve our mission.This, of course, extends to our hiring practices as well.

Mercari is committed to eliminating discrimination based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, religion, physical disability, and other such factors so that anyone who shares our mission and values can join us, regardless of their background. For more details, please read our I&D Statement.

Team’s Mission / Work Responsibilities

<About Mercari Hallo>

Mercari Group is developing various businesses under our mission to “circulate all forms of value to unleash the potential in all people.” With our newest business in the HR domain, we have entered the on-demand labor industry with the aim to provide individuals with more diverse ways of working and to mitigate the chronic labor shortages faced by business owners. The name of this new service is Mercari Hallo.

In a world where our values and lifestyles are becoming more diverse, the meaning and purpose of work for each individual vary greatly as well. This has generated a demand for more flexible ways of working, and we believe that providing these flexible work styles is the key to creating meaningful experiences for individuals.

In addition, the chronic labor shortage in Japan is a serious social issue, as many of the business owners struggling are part of the social infrastructure that supports our daily lives.

<Team Mission>

The mission of our new team created in April 2023 is to make working easier with Mercari Hallo and create a world in which anyone can pursue their dreams.

The potential of the on-demand labor market is huge, and we anticipate that with further growth this business can become a significant pillar of Mercari Group. In conjunction with Mercari, Merpay, and our other services, Mercari Hallo is also highly compatible with the assets Mercari Group has built.

We are working to not only solve the social issue of labor shortages, but reshape the concept of work and the labor market itself and unleash the potential of all people. We invite you to join us in working toward the establishment and exponential growth of Mercari Group’s new business.

(Learn more about Mercari’s mission and values here.)

Position Overview

Work Responsibilities

  • Operate apps and middleware, improve stability and performance
  • Build and operate databases and networks in the cloud
  • Establish and support the platform for microservices constructed on Kubernetes
  • Creating tools to help foster a culture and philosophy of Site Reliability Engineering, and spreading the SRE culture to development teams
  • Developing and operating tools to automate different types of development operations
  • Building and operating a monitoring environment for fault detection and capacity planning
  • Work closely with product engineering teams to monitor and improve the stability and reliability of our releases

Unique and Bold Challenges

  • An environment demanding speed and actions beyond your role and experience
  • You will play a role in the establishment and exponential growth of the next business pillar of Mercari Group. You will engage with a team of select professionals, working at a fast pace and beyond the scope of your role when necessary for the success of the business.
  • Since our new team is still in its building phase, you will also be expected to help create mechanisms to maximize the team and organization’s output.
  • A business that will revolutionize Japan’s labor market
  • As mentioned above, we are taking on the monumental task of reshaping the labor market through advancing a new business leveraging Mercari Group’s powerful assets. This is an unprecedented and challenging task with the potential to create a paradigm shift and massive social impact if successful.

Required Experience

  • Shared understanding and belief in our company’s mission and values
  • Understanding of the culture and mindset of Site Reliability Engineering
  • Experience using public (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.) or private cloud environments
  • Experience operating automated environments running on tools based on the concepts of CI/CD and Infrastructure as Code
  • The ability to identify system issues (root of drops in performance, SPoF, etc.) and to work together with team members (including those from the development teams) to find solutions
  • The ability to converse in a business setting in Japanese if it is not your first language.

Preferred Experience

  • Experience in designing and operating cloud networks
  • Experience using CDNs such as Fastly, Cloudflare, and CloudFront
  • Experience in database performance tuning
  • Experience in developing and operating products and tools using programming languages ​​such as Go, Java, and Python
  • Deep knowledge and experience in operating security for OS, networks, middleware, etc.
  • Deep knowledge and experience in operating Kubernetes
  • Experience using tools based on the idea of ​​chaos engineering such as Gremlin, Chaos Mesh, and AWS Fault Injection Simulator
  • Experience building and operating service meshes using Istio, Envoy, Linkerd, Consul, etc.
  • Business-level ability in their second language (referring to English for native Japanese speakers)

Screening Criteria

  • Can you empathize with the Mercari Group’s mission and values?
  • Can you take initiative, be flexible, and act quickly?
  • Can you take responsibility for your work and put in maximum effort?
  • Can you enjoy ambiguous and uncertain situations and think “how to do it” instead of “why it can’t be done”?
  • Can you empathize with the Mercari Group’s philosophy of “everyone being a software engineer”?
  • *Check here for more details.

Technical Assessment Criteria

  • We will conduct a technical interview as the first step where you will be asked to architect a solution to a problem. The goal isn’t to test your solution and whether it is correct or not, but to understand your thought process and justification around technical choices.

Language Requirements

  • English: Independent (CEFR – B2) preferred
  • Japanese: Independent (CEFR – B2) required
    * For details about CEFR, see here

Related Articles

Working Conditions

Employment Status


  • Probationary period: First 3 months after joining the company. (During this period your contract conditions will be the same as that of a permanent employee.)



  • Smoking is prohibited within our offices
  • Mercari has introduced a work style policy called “Your Choice.” Each member is free to choose whether they want to work in the office or work fully remote. *Exceptions made for certain kinds of work.

Work Hours

  • Full flextime (no “core time” or “flex time”)
    *Does not apply to all positions


  • Two days off per week (as well as national holidays, New Year’s break, etc.)
  • Paid leave, congratulatory and bereavement leave, relax days, sick leave


  • Annual salary paid in 12 monthly installments (including fixed overtime allowance)
  • Based on skills, experience, and abilities
  • Reviewed twice a year


  • Complete health and social insurance
  • Incentive program
  • Support systems, including those that benefit the employee’s family members
    *See this page for details.



Corporate Sites

Owned Media




テクノロジーの力で世界中の人々をつなぎ、あらゆる人の可能性が発揮される世界を実現していきます。メルカリグループの目指すべき方針についてはMercari Culture Docをご覧ください。



そしてメルカリがミッションを実現するために「Inclusion & Diversity」という考え方は不可欠な存在だと考えています。採用活動においても、メルカリのミッション・バリューに共感する、様々なバックグラウンドの方にジョインしていただけるよう、年齢、性別、性的指向、人種、宗教、身体能力、その他記号に基づくあらゆる差別をなくすことを約束します。

詳しくはI&D statementをご覧ください。


チームのミッション / 業務内容

<「メルカリ ハロ(Mercari Hallo)」とは>

メルカリグループは、「あらゆる価値を循環させ、あらゆる人の可能性を広げる」というミッションのもと、様々な事業を展開しております。今回新たにHR領域の事業としてスポットワーク(スキマバイト)事業に参入し、個人の多様な働き方の実現と事業者が抱える慢性的な人手不足の解消を目指します。サービス名は「メルカリ ハロ(Mercari Hallo)」です。




2023年4月に発足した私たち新チームのミッションは、「メルカリ ハロ(Mercari Hallo)」を通して、「働く」をより気軽なものにして、自分の好きなことややりたいことが実現できる世界をつくっていくことです。




  • HR領域の新規プロジェクトにおける新規プロダクトの立ち上げのリード
  • アプリケーションやミドルウェアの運用、安定性やパフォーマンスの改善
  • クラウドにおけるデータベースやネットワークなどの構築、運用
  • Site Reliability Engineeringの文化・思想の醸成を支援するツールの作成、開発チームへのSRE文化の展開
  • 各種オペレーションを自動化するためのツールの開発、運用
  • 障害検知やキャパシティプランニングのためのモニタリング環境の構築、運用
  • 各開発チームの一員として、プロダクトの安定性や信頼性向上のためのモニタリングと改善



  • メルカリグループにおける新しい柱となる事業の立ち上げ・急成長の一翼を担っていただきます。少数精鋭のプロフェッショナルな仲間たちと協働し、事業成功のために必要なことは自らの役割範囲を超えて、スピード感を持って取り組んでいくことが求められます。
  • 新しくチームを作っているフェーズのため、チームや組織のアウトプットを最大化させるための仕組みづくりにも関わることが求められます。


  • 先述の通り、労働市場のアップデートという大きなテーマに対して、メルカリグループがもつ強力なアセットを武器に新規ビジネスを推進しています。前例のないチャレンジングなテーマであり、成功すればパラダイムシフトとなりうる大きな社会インパクトを生み出すポテンシャルがあります。


  • メルカリグループおよび各カンパニーのミッションとバリューに共感していただける方
  • Site Reliability Engineeringという文化・思想を理解している方
  • AWS・GCP・Azureなどのパブリッククラウド、またはプライベートクラウドの利用経験のある方
  • CI/CD、Infrastructure as Codeの思想に基づくツールによる自動化環境の運用経験のある方
  • システムの課題(パフォーマンス低下の原因、SPoFなど)を特定し、チームメンバー(開発チーム含む)とともに解決に取り組める方


  • クラウドにおけるネットワークの設計・運用経験のある方
  • Fastly、Cloudflare、CloudFrontなどのCDNの利用経験のある方
  • データベースのパフォーマンスチューニングなどの経験のある方
  • Go、Java、Pythonなどのプログラミング言語を用いたプロダクトやツールの開発・運用経験のある方
  • OS、ネットワーク、ミドルウェア等のセキュリティに関する深い知識・運用経験のある方
  • Kubernetesに関する深い知識・運用経験のある方
  • Gremlin、Chaos Mesh、AWS Fault Injection Simulatorなどのカオスエンジニアリングの思想に基づくツールの利用経験
  • Istio、Envoy、Linkerd、Consulなどを利用したサービスメッシュの構築・運用経験のある方


  • メルカリグループのミッションとバリューに対して共感できるか
  • 率先力、柔軟性、スピード感を持っているか
  • 担当の仕事に対して責任感を持ち、最大限努力できるか
  • 曖昧で不確実な状況を楽しみ、「できない理由」ではなく「できる方法」を考えられるか
  • 新規事業への高い熱量を持っているか
  • メルカリグループの「全員ソフトウェアエンジニア」という考え方に対して共感できるか
  • ※詳しくはこちらのページをご覧ください。


  • 英語:Independent (CEFR – B2) 歓迎
  • 日本語:Independent (CEFR – B2) 必須

  ※ CEFRの詳細については、こちらをご覧ください





  • 試用期間:入社後3ヶ月(本採用と同条件) 



  • 受動喫煙対策: 屋内全面禁煙
  • メルカリには「YOUR CHOICE」というワークスタイルに関する制度があります。オフィス出社をすることも、フルリモートワークを選択することも自由に選択することができます。※一部職種を除く


  • フレックスタイム制(コアタイムなし・フレキシブルタイムなし)


  • 完全週休2日制(祝祭日、年末年始 等)
  • 有給休暇、慶弔休暇、リラックス休暇、Sick Leave


  • 月給制(固定残業代含む)
  • スキル・経験・能力に応じて決定いたします
  • 毎年2回見直し 


  • 各種社会保険完備
  • インセンティブ制度
  • 社員の家族を含めた支援制度
    ※ 詳しくはこちらのページをご覧ください。


  • リロケーションサポート
  • 言語学習のサポート
  • 翻訳と通訳のサポート

  ※ 詳しくはこちらのページをご覧ください。


